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What is the ACCME’s CME Passport?

CME Passport is a web-based search tool designed to help healthcare professionals find accredited CME activities that meet their needs. Users can search for information about currently available CME activities.

Activities are searchable by CME provider name, date, location, specialty, and points/credit type. Activity information for ACCME’s CME Passport is derived from data that organizations accredited within the ACCME system enter into the Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS). 

For CME activities that are not open to the public (e.g., activities available only for employees or members of the provider’s organization), the provider can choose to not have the activity listed on CME Passport or can indicate that registration is "limited" when registering the activity in PARS, letting learners know that registration for the activity is limited to a specific audience and not open to all physicians. It is up to the provider to put restrictions in place for learner access to the activity, if necessary, as indicating “limited” only indicates that the activity may not be available.

Access CME Passport here.

Last Revised