ACCME-Accredited Providers: 2022-2023 Annual Accreditation Fees

Two years ago, the ACCME implemented a tiered fee structure for annual accreditation fees to distribute the responsibility for sustaining our accredited CME system more fairly among programs of different sizes. We were able to keep those tier-based fees unchanged for 2020 and 2021. We are pleased that again, in 2022, there will be no increase in fees for each tier. We do anticipate fee increases for 2023, and we are providing you with the information now to support your planning and budgeting processes. 

As you may remember, there are four tiers, from Tier 1, comprising the smallest programs, to Tier 4, comprising the largest programs. Program size is based on the average number of activities or learners, whichever is greater, over the past three years. We used data that providers entered into PARS, and attested to, for the 2018-2020 reporting years to assign tiers for the 2022 and 2023 annual accreditation fees. 

Your fee for last year was based on data you reported for the 2016-2018 reporting years. Unless the size of your CME program as measured by activities and learners has changed significantly over the last two years, your 2022 fee will not change from last year

These tiers will remain in place for 2022 and 2023, after which time we may update the tiers based on more recent data reported in PARS. The tiered structure applies only to annual accreditation fees. Fees for other accreditation services (extensions and progress reports) will continue to be assessed on a flat fee basis. 

You will receive an invoice for your 2022 fee by the end of October. Payment will be due by January 31, 2022

The fee schedule is shown below and is also available on our website here

Fee Schedule







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