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How do I add or update my organization's contact information in PARS?

Accredited organizations are responsible for maintaining their contact information in PARS. All users affiliated with your organization in PARS can edit specific organizational contact information on the Profile tab of the Accreditation Management section. It is best practice to have individual users update their own information by going to Edit My Profile or via the Profile tab on their dashboard.

To add a contact to PARS, log in to the dashboard, click "Back to Accreditation Management", go to your Organization Profile and click “Contacts” in the middle navigation to see the list of people currently associated with your organization. Next, click “New” in the right corner and complete all the applicable fields. After a new contact is created, please instruct the new contact to go to the login page of PARS and click “Forgot Password.” The new contact will receive an email from parssupport@accme.org with instructions for creating a new password and logging into PARS.

Please contact info@accme.org if your organization needs assistance with this process.

Last Revised