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Creates Individualized Learning Plans: #1 - Compliance

The provider submitted learning plans for eight learners and a list of the additional 180 learners who engaged in the process. The provider's practice-based CME activity is designed to increase patient safety, improve practice performance, and to reduce medical liability risk. The activity included… More

Creates Individualized Learning Plans: #3 - Noncompliance

The provider described its online CME platform that allows learners to select collections of modules focused on particular topics as well as individual topic selection options. However, the provider did not demonstrate that it tracks the leaner's repeated engagement with a longitudinal curriculum,… More

Creates Individualized Learning Plans: #4 - Noncompliance

The provider described that it tracks learners engagement with a longitudinal curriculum. However, it did not demonstrate that it provides individualized feedback to learners, nor did it submit evidence of repeated engagement and and feedback for the number of learners required by its program size… More