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Competencies #1 - Noncompliance

The provider described a list of documents, including standards of training, a suggested outline for technical courses, and a description of procedural skills for a specific clinical discipline.  Rationale: The evidence did not demonstrate that the provider developed activities in the context of… More

Competencies: #2 - Compliance

The provider described and demonstrated how the themes of its annual meeting are mapped to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Competencies. 

Competencies: #3 - Compliance

In the activities selected for review, the provider documented the link between desirable physician attributes [Institute of Medicine (IOM), American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), and Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) competencies] and the content related to those competencies… More

Competencies: #4 - Noncompliance

The provider cited a relationship with its specialty certifying board to collaborate on the planning and provision of accredited CME focused on the content covered by the certification exam.  Rationale: Offering “board review” courses would not demonstrate the expectations of this criterion. While… More