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Can you explain how the standard for meeting compliance for the Menu of Criteria for Accreditation with Commendation is applied? What is the meaning of “attestations,” “submitting evidence at review,” and “examples and descriptions?”

The standard describes the ways providers will be expected to demonstrate compliance with the menu of new criteria:

  • Attestations: For criteria requiring attestations, providers will need to attest  to meeting the criterion in 10% of activities during the accreditation term—this percentage is the same for all providers. We will provide a simple mechanism for attestation during the accreditation process.
  • Submitting evidence at review: Providers will need to submit evidence to show how they met the criterion. The number of activities for which you will submit evidence is based on the number of activities reported during the accreditation term. It may be possible to meet the requirements of multiple criteria with one activity.
  • Examples and descriptions: For the program-based criteria, the standards state that providers will need to demonstrate compliance with examples or descriptions. This will involve submitting brief explanations as part of the self-study report.